About Us

I started my business in 1993 after attending Vermont Technical College for horticulture.  During high school and part time during college I worked in the construction industry pouring concrete foundations and sidewalks. While on Christmas break from college I worked helping a friend who owned a logging company.  I quickly realized I wanted to be in the forest industry. This is where my knowledge of forest management comes from along with the skills needed for this.  As this business grew and I saw the need for land clearing services my company grew to offer this service.  We would clear house lots, fields and views. It was at this time the new housing market was booming and many clients would ask if since I cleared the house site could I build their driveway and dig the cellar hole or install the septic system.  It was then I saw the need to grow the company again and offer these services this was the year of 1999.  To this day  we still offer all these services and more.  Today we are a much smaller company only by manpower not equipment, I am on the job everyday so I don't only meet the client, price the job but I am usually the one performing the work.  I enjoy the work and the friendships created with my clients.  We work year around and try to plan our jobs according to the time of the year.